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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Having a bad day

Has this ever happened to you?  It happened to me the other day and all it did was create an exercise in frusteration.  I know why it happened, it is because I haven't quite worked out all the bugs yet with respect to my technical skiing, so if one little thing goes off, everything seems to go wrong.  At least, that is what happens when you are trying to go through an SL course as fast as possible.  I felt like I was just randomly slamming into gates, left right and center with no rhythm.  Every time I would get to the bottom of the course, someone would give me feedback on something I was doing wrong from a technical perspective, and it seemed like everytime I tried to do what was being asked, it made things worse.  The more feedback I got, the worse it became.  I lost focus.  In gates I basically need to work on only one thing:  "just skiing."  Of course it is difficult to remember when people keep giving you feedback.  Technical feedback for me in gates isn't partically helpful because for me, I have to focus more on the "mental presense" of gate skiing.  Technical skiing for me has to be worked on "outside of gates."  And it is more like putting the technical pieces together and then once that is done, to put it into gates. 
I wonder if world cup skiers ever have bad days.  Other than not winnning a race of course.  You can still have a good day and not win a race.  I wonder what they do if they have a bad day.  A couple hours of free skiing the next day helped me out.  I was able to get all the "noise" out of my head and just ski.  I think we all need to just do that for our own mental sanity once in awhile. 

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